Important Stuff

Friday, July 1, 2011

70% Tartine Whole Wheat Bread with High Gluten Flour

Tartine 70% Whole Wheat Bread 
and 70% Gluten Flour

This bread dough felt really weird.

I think I intended to use some bread flour instead of all purpose flour for this loaf (I was baking for my sweetie), but instead, grabbed by mistake some high gluten flour that I once purchased out of curiosity.  I think that the intended use of this high gluten flour is for breads like rye or whole wheat, but you are to use it in much more minuscule amounts.  When you use 300g of the stuff, even this 80% hydrated dough begins to tighten like steel cable.

30% high gluten flour is WAY TOO MUCH

This dough feels pretty strange

Adding the salt and water and squooshing it through the fingers was like cutting it into ribbons

No matter what you do, these strange cords in the dough do not combine with kneading

I tried kneading it, to get the strands to incorporated more, but that just made it worse.  I thought for sure I'd have to add a lot more water, but I was already at 80%, so I decided against it.

Finally, I just left it to sit for 4 1/2 hours undisturbed -- not even any folding during the bulk fermentation -- and it seemed to straighten itself out.

The dividing and forming was a bit tricky too, as this bread just wanted to be tight, and when I cut it, it just wanted to shrink back like I'd cut an elastic.  Very strange viscosity.

Proofed 3 hours and baked in the dutch oven combo cooker.


Tastes fine.  Wife likes it.  Crust is springy, not crunchy.  The crumb is a bit tighter, not as many irregular, wide holes as one usually gets with a Tartine loaf.  But nice oven spring.  I scored the dough deeply with a knife and it all filled in, and the shape was retained.

Notes to Myself

  • To be clear:
    • The bread is 70% Whole Wheat, and 30% processed wheat flour.
    • The processed wheat flour is a High Gulten Flour with 70% gluten content.
    • The bread is 80% hydrated.
  • O Chef website answered questions about the difference between bread flour and high gluten flour in an interesting way: by suggesting that it might be useful to make breads that have less carbs since most of the starch is removed. While that may be true, the calorie content is going to be the same, per gram, so I don't see this to be any benefit to dieters. OChef also says there will be an 8x rise in the bread, and I can't verify that, from using 30% high gluten flour.
  • Use less of this high gluten flour, if you use it.  It is not the same as bread flour, which is not the same as all purpose flour, and it is not the same as vital wheat gluten.  Use it sparingly.

    I got mine at a nearby bulk food barn.
    The bulk barn website says it is 70% gluten, and gives a rule of thumb for its use:
    Directions for use
    For hard rolls or heavy breads such as French, Italian or raisin, use 2 - 3% gluten flour in relation to the main flour weight. For dark breads including rye, use 1 - 3% gluten flour. For yeast raised sweet goods, use 1/2 - 1 1/2% gluten flour. For pretzels or crackers, use 1 - 2 % gluten flour.


  1. Er, thanks 'gluten content'. Big love back at'cha.

    I see your name links to 'Glory Foods', a gluten-free website. I'm happy to give you a plug.

    Though not sure if I should read your name as 'gluten CONtent' or 'glutent conTENT' :)

    I haven't written much lately about my concerns with gluten, and with other parts of grains and whole grains too, but it always remains in the back of my mind; and as a nurse I have a certain interest in health. I've written about some of these concerns here:

    I will also provide a link to a couple of recent posts to the Mercola site, regarding some of these health concerns. The first is how wheat and other glutenous grains might cause psychiatric and other health problems with their lectins and wheat germ agglutinin:

    And the second link discusses how these things are also found in other vegetables and grains:

    What is interesting is the high number of comments to these posts, some yeah some nay. I have my own opinions, but I don't feel the need to foist them on anyone else. I think that the jury is still out on the issue of the ultimate healthiness of grains. For some -- those with celiac disease, or those who recognize an allergic response or intolerance when they eat it, of course, the issue has already been settled. The rest of us have decisions to make.

    For my part, it will suffice to say that the 6billion+ human population of the world could not exist on a paleolithic diet. We need grains. And I would applaud efforts like 'glory foods' in Scotland, presumably, and local efforts like 'organic works bakery' in London Ontario, to create gluten-free food for those who require it.

    Link to organic works in London Ontario:

    I've tasted their bread and I like mine better; but again, I don't seem to have that intolerance. Or perhaps that is just the grain lectins wrapping their tendrils around my brain's pleasure center, and telling me, like a zombie, to 'eat more brains/grains!'
