Important Stuff

Friday, December 31, 2010

Pizzadough Recipe Whole Wheat Bread

 Pizzadough Recipe Whole Wheat Bread

This is just Lahey's basic Pizzadough recipe, only I have substituted whole wheat flour for the bread flour.  I actually intended to make this into a pizza, but we made another batch using all purpose flour for that meal.  So I had this dough left over: it had actually been sitting in a covered container over 24 hours before I decided to just make it into a bread.

I shaped it into a sort of elongated boule and let it rise again in a floured basket.  I baked it free standing on a hot stone with steam for 15 minutes at 475 degrees F and then another 30 minutes at 450 degrees F.

During the busy Christmas season, it was a very quick bread to make, and although it was nothing special, it filled a void when I had to take a sandwich with me while I worked nights.

This bread staled quickly.

Notes to Myself
  • This was made with 500g wwflour and 300g water, so is only 60% hydrated.  Even still, there was quite a bit of sag once the dough fell free of the basket, and only barely enough oven spring for the scores I made in the loaf to fill in. How to get the hydration level up, but get less sag?  The whole wheat does not allow me to shape the dough nicely: the gluten cloak is not nearly elastic enough, tears far too easily. 
  • Question: did letting the dough sit for such a long time before deciding to bake make it better or worse? 
  • This is essentially a no-knead bread.  Would a gluten cloak have formed if I had kneaded it?

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