Important Stuff

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Irmgard's Bread

Irmgard's Bread: 
Nils Schöner's 60% Rye with Apple Cider Soaker

For my mother-in-law. I've made this before (example, see here), and I've altered the amounts to fit my pans before, too. This time, I went back to the original recipe for the weights. That was probably a mistake, and I'll hear about it when my wife's mother receives it.

I won't have a crumb shot of this one, but as I say, I've made it before.  It just happens to be my mother-in-law's favourite, and she is tired of me trying to bake anything else.

Any other loaf, to her, would be a failure.

Sourdough build

Mis en Place
As usual, the boiled rye kernels are soaked in Apple Cider, not just apple juice.
Wheat flour is yeasted

Building the dough

The loaf bakes
can't really shape this dough, it will always remain rough

If I waited longer than an hour to final proof it, would it fill the pan?

A beautiful bronze colour to these loaves

Notes to Myself
  • I would gladly make this loaf for Irmgard whenever she wants: the thing is, it takes a lot more preparation than she generally allows for it.  I sometimes am told the night before we are to visit that I am to bring bread, but that simply isn't enough time.  The rye kernels have to soak for at least 12 hours, but even that is not the problem: the sourdough build requires 18-24 hours to get the right amount of rye flavour.  If I was told two days ahead of the visit, there would be no problem (so long as I wasn't working the day of the bake).
  • I have to admit that I love the taste of this loaf too.  And the burnished copper look of the crust is simply amazing.  I have made a whole wheat version of this, and I like that too, but my mother in law prefers the strong white flour.
  • Make double the recipe next time.  Irmgard freezes this bread, and eats a little bit at a time.

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